In this video, it explains the method of Flipped learning. It allowed for a viewer to see how the school day is run and explains that students are doing different activities and projects within the classroom while they are learning at their own pace. Flip learning allows for the growth and the development of the children at a holistic approach. Because of this, these children are able to grow to be an overall person. From, the approach allows children to access information faster and more efficiently. This academic sucess causes the children to think postively of themselves and their academics. In eschool news it explains that there are misconceptions about this method. The reason for this is the misconeptions of flipped learning. Many seem to believe that Flipped learning is just a recording of a lesson. However, even though there are many videos used during the lessons, these videos are only, on average, 8-12 minutes long. Videos are also given as homework, but not for every homework assignment. This causes the students to start asking questions and form hypothesees on their own. Like traditional classrooms, there is still the need for the basic tools in the classroom, such as hands-on-activities and texts.
From an article on the University of Wisconsin-Madison website, students are working with innovative technology which makes lessons and other objectives easier and more efficiently. However, because of the need for certain technologies, students do a lot of work outside the classroom with less time to be with the professor, face to face. Flipped learning in colleges also allow for more productivity with classroom numbers being at a higher number compared to others.
If more schools were to adopt the Flipped learning there would be a lot less drop out rates than there currently are. From another source off flipped learning, there is clear data from a school that has changed their entire school to the flip method. There is a huge drop in failure rates in the 9th grade that was looked upon. Some of these drops are close to 31% better than two years prior. Through this data and testimony to this curriculum, it seems that the future of education is going to turn to this to improve scores and dropout rates. I believe after reading many of the positives and few negatives, it seems that teachers will have to become more qualified and able to multitask, meaning they are going to have to pay attention to all aspects of the classroom. This is a good thing because students and the teachers will be held to a higher standard.

Since learning about this new form of education, it makes me wonder how my classroom is going to be when I become a teacher. Am I going to be recording myself a lot? Who would I be able to go to for help? This learning network is a forum of teachers presenting new and different ideas to help others solve a problem they are experiencing or help working on current lessons.
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